Oya Pancaroğlu

Ph.D., 2000, Harvard University

(90) (212) 359 7528

Research Interests: 

Visual and literary cultures of the medieval Persianate world; figural representation in medieval Islamic art; production and perception of objects in medieval Islamic societies; ceramic production in the medieval Islamic world; Islamic architecture in medieval Anatolia (1100-1400)


HIST 221: History of Medieval Turco-Persian Socities

HIST 351: Art and Architecture of the Islamic World I

HIST 408: History & Urbanism

HIST 461: Cultural History of Iran I

Selected Publications: 

"The House of Mengujek: Constructions of Dynastic Identity in the Late Twelfth Century," in The Seljuks of Anatolia: Court and Society in the Medieval Middle East, eds. Andrew Peacock and Sara Nur Yıldız (London: IB Tauris, forthcoming 2011).

"The Mosque-Hospital Complex in Divriği: A History of Relations and Transitions." Anadolu ve Çevresinde Ortaçağ 3 (2009), pp. 169-98.

Perpetual Glory: Medieval Islamic Ceramics from the Harvey B. Plotnick Collection [exh. cat. Art Institute of Chicago, March-August 2007]. New Haven and London: Art Institute of Chicago and Yale University Press.