Lale Babaoğlu Balkış

Ph.D., 1995, Istanbul University

Research Interests: 
The image: Understanding change and continuity through the image; Specifically the Turkish image in European visual culture; Sign and Symbol in Christian art; The concepts of modernism, modernity and modern art; The German émigré scholars in Turkey
Hist 205  – Introduction to the History of Art and Visual Culture
Hist 353  – The Art and Architecture of the Middle Ages
Hist 49D – Art and Beauty
Hist 49E  – Aesthetics in the Modern World
Selected Publications: 

“The image of the Turk on the 18th Century Viennese Stage”, in Celebration, Entertainment and Theater in the Ottoman World, (Eds) Suraiya Faroqhi & Arzu Öztürkmen; Seagull Publications, Enactment Series, Calcutta: 2014

“Traugott Fuchs: A Romantic in the Orient. Istanbul as Portrayed through the Eyes of a German Emigré Scholar” in 14th International Congress of Turkish Art. Paris, ed. Frédéric Hitzel, Paris: 2013

“Reverse Renaissance“ in  Graf,Marcus: Conceptual Colors of Genco Gülan, İstanbul, 2011

“Reflection of the Turkish Image in Europe in the Works of Albrecht Dürer” in Tradition, Identity, Synthesis: Cultural Crossings and Art, eds: Serpil Bağcı & Zeynep Yasa Yaman, Ankara, 2011