Koray Durak

Ph.D., 2008, Harvard University

(90) (212) 359 6607

Office: TB  410B 

Research Interests: 

Byzantine history; Early Medieval Islamic history; Byzantine-Islamic relations; Economic history of the Medieval Mediterranean; Byzantine commerce; Byzantine medicine and pharmacology; Medieval geographical imagination; Modern Historiography on Byzantium

Research Projects: 

Mellon Foundation, Boğaziçi University fellowship, 2016-2022

BAP-Commerce in medicinal items between Byzantines and Islamic World in the Middle Ages- 2013-2016

Visiting researcher, Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC..2013

TÜBA-GEBİP/The Young Scientists Award Programme of the Turkish Academy of Sciences- 2011-2013


HIST 335: History of the Byzantine Empire, 4-9 Centuries

HIST 49K: SP. TP. History of Byzantium (330-1453), Columbia University and Boğaziçi University summer school in Istanbul  

HIST 59R: SP.TP. Readings in Byzantine Sources  

HIST 49L: SP. TP. Trade, Exchange, and Communications in the Eastern Mediterranean in the Early Middle Ages

Hist 59Q: Special Topics: Health&Medicine in Byzantium

HIST 58L: SP. TP. Research Methods in Byzantine History

HIST 489: Early Byzantine Sources

HIST 241: Introduction to Western European, Mediterranean, and Islamic Civilizations

Selected Publications: 

2024, (in preparation) "Islamic and Byzantine Medicine: Adaptations and Exchanges" in A Companion to Byzantine Medicine, eds. I. Grimm-Stadelmann and D. Valentino. Brill, Leiden.

2024, (in preparation) (ed. with Nevra Necipoğlu) Mobility and Materiality in Byzantine-Islamic Relations, 7th-12th Centuries, Routledge.

2023, The Odyssey of Byzantine Studies in Turkey, Koç University Press.

2023, “Healing Gifts: The Role of Diplomatic Gift Exchange in the Movement of Materia Medica between the Byzantine and Islamic Worlds,” Drugs in the Medieval Mediterranean: Pharmacological Exchange across Cultures, Genres, and Languages (11th-14th c.), ed. P. Bouras-Vallianatos and D. Stathakopoulos, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 388-415.

2022, "The Economy of Melitene/Malaṭya and its Role in the Byzantine-Islamic Trade (Seventh to Eleventh Centuries)," Byzantinische Zeitschrift. 115(3), 829-874.

2022, (ed. with Nevra Necipoğlu and Tolga Uyar), Türkiye'de Bizans Çalışmaları: Yeni Araştırmalar, Farklı Trendler [Byzantine Studies in Turkey: New Research, Alternative Trends], İş Bankası Publications, Istanbul.  

2022, "The Use of Non-commercial Networks for the Study of Byzantium's Foreign Trade with the Islamic Near East," Plenary Sessions of the 24th International Congress of Byzantine Studies, eds. E. Fiori and M. Trizio, Edizioni Ca' Foscari, Venice, 423-451.

2021, "The Commercial History of Trebizond and the Region of Pontos from the Seventh to the Eleventh Centuries: An International Emporium," Mediterranean Historical Review, 36(1), 3-41.

2020, “Commercial Constantinople,” in Cambridge Companion to Constantinople, ed. S. Basset, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

2019, (ed. with Ivana Jevtic) Identity and the Other in Byzantium, Papers from the Fourth International Sevgi Gönül Byzantine Studies Symposium, Koç University Press, Istanbul.

2018, “The Cilician Frontier: A Case Study of Byzantine-Islamic Trade in the Ninth and Tenth Centuries,” Province and Periphery in the Age of Constantine VII Porphyrogennetos: From De Cerimoniis to De Administrando Imperio, ed. N. Gaul, V. Menze, and C. Bálint. Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden 2018, 168-183.

2014, "The Representation of Byzantine History in High School Textbooks in Turkey" Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies, 38(2), 245-264.

2014, "Performance and ideology in the exchange of prisoners between the Byzantine Empire and the Islamic Near East in the early Middle Ages," Medieval and Early Modern Performance in the Eastern Mediterranean, eds. Arzu Öztürkmen and Evelyn Birge Vitz, Brepols, Turnhout, 167-180.

2010, "Who are the Romans? The Definition of Bilād al-Rūm (Land of the Romans) in Medieval Islamic Geographies," Journal of Intercultural Studies, 31(3), 285-298.