The Interdisciplinary Research Project at Tarsus-Gözlükule

The Interdisciplinary Research Project at Tarsus-Gözlükule

Project website:

Bogazici University initiated a project at Tarsus-Gözlükule, an habitational mound in the western part of the Cilician plains. The earliest stratified settlement in Gözlükule dates back to the Neolithic Period. The site continued to be inhabited without a hiatus until the Islamic Period.

Tarsus-Gözlükule had been excavated in the 1930’s and 40’s under the direction of Hetty Goldman sponsered by Bryn Mawr College and the results were published in 3 Volumes by Princeton Press: H. Goldman, Excavations in Tarsus-Gözlükule I-III.

With this current project B.U is aiming to reopen excavations at this major site in Cilicia in corporation with Bryn Mawr College. Field work began in 2001 and comprises the preperation of a new topographical map, archaelogical surveys, reassesing and digital recording of the material unearthed by the former excavation, geomorphological sondages in the plain and geophysical investigatons of selected areas on and around the mound. A summary of the first season’s activities will appear in the Proceedings of the Annual Excavation and Search Results sponsored by the Turkish Cultural Ministry 2003. The first volume of preliminary reports is in preperation to be published as a monograph by Ege Yayinlari.

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